Star of David Illustration
Star of David Illustration

The American Jewish community is under siege. In too many circles, it is not safe to be a Jew.

This week I met with parents of my synagogue’s youngest children who described their babysitters ​sitting together in a local park with their little ones playing nearby when suddenly a man yelled, “Are ​any of these kids Jewish?” Simple terror flooded their veins.

I also met with parents of elementary schoolers whose concerns are more complex. Many of them ​perceive their schools’ leadership as failing to address Israel’s war against Hamas with moral clarity, ​suggesting instead moral equivalency between Hamas’s barbarism and Israel’s efforts to protect its ​people. Their children are lonely among non-Jewish classmates too young to comprehend the anxiety ​their Jewish friends have internalized at home. And most teachers are ill-equipped to address the ​discomfort, let alone the conflict in the Middle East.

Understandably so. No one was ready for this. Not the teachers. Not the guidance counselors. Not the ​administrators. I reassured the parents that these were well-intentioned educators. But for lack of ​preparedness, finding the words to describe and the tools to address this tragedy befuddled them. ​Three weeks in, some have found the words and discovered the tools; others still have not.

And the parents are baffled by what they perceive as a double standard where antisemitism is ​concerned. They fully supported the thoughtful DEI initiatives recently implemented to draw greater ​awareness to the myriad microaggressions targeting other minority communities, and now wonder ​why those directed at their own children do not qualify for redress.

I have met with high school students experiencing what we thought reserved for their college peers: ​social exclusion because they are Jewish and the politicization of the classroom where Israel is ​portrayed as the root cause of Palestinian suffering. “I am so glad to be in temple right now,” one of ​them told me this week, not a common refrain among high school students. She explained that in ​synagogue she was surrounded by other Jews among whom she felt a safety she did not feel ​anywhere else.

And I have heard from college students who feel isolated and alone. On the quad, some describe an ​atmosphere of vicious bullying, others of physical intimidation. At New York’s Cooper Union, Jewish ​students sought cover inside a library while anti-Israel protesters banged on the doors. At Cornell, ​online posts threatened violence against Jews. Some college students are afraid even to leave their ​dorms and just want to come home.

My conversations with rabbinic colleagues are also distressing. They describe their bewilderment that ​interfaith partners with whom they built relationships over decades failed to reach out after Hamas’s ​brutal assault, and weeks later still won’t acknowledge the suffering of the Israeli people without the ​caveat that it be considered in a broader historical context – a claim that seeks to legitimize Hamas’s ​atrocities as justified resistance to Israeli occupation. These colleagues now question whether the ​energy and years devoted to interfaith bridgebuilding were a waste of time and effort.

Shver tsu zayn a Yid. Sadly, the old Yiddish proverb is true. Right now “it is hard to be a Jew” in ​America. Throughout our history here, we have faced our share of exclusion to be sure – from ​businesses, schools, neighborhoods and social clubs. And the last decade witnessed a terrifying ​increase in antisemitic rhetoric and violence. For far longer than that, Israel has been demonized on ​college campuses and in other academic settings. But never in my twenty-five years in the rabbinate ​have I witnessed the level of anguish American Jewry is experiencing right now.

I write these words as I prepare to board a plane to Israel on a mission of solidarity. But being there ​will comfort me too. Not a day since its founding seventy-five years ago has Israel known true peace ​on its borders. Israelis live under the constant threat of terror. And yet they carry on with a resolve ​born of the necessity Golda Meir first articulated and Joe Biden has since reiterated: they have ​nowhere else to go.

And so will we carry on in America. I do not believe the alienation the Jewish community has ​experienced to be irreparable. The wounds inflicted on us by word and by silence will heal. I refuse to ​give up on my relationships with leaders of other faith communities, some of whom have indeed ​stood bravely beside me during this most painful time. And I still believe in the principles on which ​America was founded, which George Washington repeated to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport ​with the commitment: “to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.”

But just as Israel’s government will be called to account for its lapses allowing Hamas’s murderous ​rampage, so American academic institutions, business leaders, and even clergy who failed to ​distinguish between aggressor and victim and sanctioned through their silence rhetorical attacks ​against the Jewish community all will have to acknowledge those failures for healing to begin.